about us
The Australian Kyudo Association ('AKA') is the official national body for Kyudo in Australia, and a recognised member organisation of the International Kyudo Federation (IKYF) as of December 2023. We are a not-for-profit incorporated association aiming to support the growth of Kyudo in Australia.
We are an administrative body with an elected council, including an executive committee and a state representative from each of our five affiliated states, which are ACT, NSW, QLD, VIC, and WA.
Individual members join through the clubs or the affiliated state associations and receive insurance cover and access to national seminars, examinations, international events and, where possible, financial support for major Kyudo seminars in Australia.
Follow the link below to meet the Executive Committee and National Council.
Our Vision
To inspire the pursuit of excellence, both in Kyudo and in life.
Our Mission
We seek to assist every person who embarks on their own Kyudo journey - at whatever pace they wish and with whatever help they need.
How Kyudo started in Australia
Kyudo in Australia has come a long way since its introduction to our shores. While the practice of Kyudo has existed since the 1970's to early 2000's in Australia notably in Melbourne with the presence of Andre Sollier, it wasn't until November 2009 when the 'Kyudo in Australia' Facebook page was created by passionate individuals that Kyudo became firmly established in Australia.
Through this community, meet-ups and training were organised until the national association 'Australia Kyudo Association' was formed in August 2013, followed by various State associations. It wasn't until June and July 2014 that the inaugural Annual General Meeting took place and the National Council was formed, comprised of an executive committee and representatives at one per state. The association was later renamed and incorporated as 'Australian Kyudo Association Inc.' in January 2015, to which Kyudo in Australia has operated under ever since. Australia now has a thriving Kyudo community in five States, being: Australian Capital Territory (ACT), New South Wales (NSW), Queensland (QLD), Victoria (VIC), Western Australia (WA).
Based on the formation of the AKA National Council in 2014, AKA is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year in 2024.
The following interactive timeline notes the significant events and/or the 'firsts' experienced by the AKA. A further detailed timeline of all events is currently being collated, and will be made available on this website in the near future.