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Peter Carr

AKA National Seminar & 1st Australian Kyudo Taikai – Perth

AKA National Seminar & 1st Australian Kyudo Taikai – Perth

As the National Body for Kyudo in Australia, the Australian Kyudo Association has the proud role of organising and holding events within Australia to promote Kyudo and further the learning of its members. Holding successful seminars will help promote Kyudo in Austraila, and assist the country in applying for the membership of the International Kyudo Federation to meet one of the many prerequisites as stipulated in the IKYF Constitution. This year we are lucky enough for the first time to have the kind assistance of Matsubara Sensei, Kyoshi 7dan, in our first National Kyudo Seminar and Taikai. Miyagi Prefecture Kyudo Renmei is keen to promote Kyudo in Australia and has extended invitation for Australian members to attend shinsa in the Miyagi prefecture once Australia achieves full membership of IKYF The AKA feels that it is important to continue improving our bond with Miyagi Prefecture as established initially through our seminars with Takeuchi Sensei, and to encourage exchange between Australia and Miyagi.

Venue: Budokan Academy, 459 Nicholson Road, Canning Vale, WA 6155

Dates: Saturday 28th to Monday 30th September, 2019.

Visiting Japanese contingent: Matubara Sensei, Kyoshi Nanadan; Reiko Nagayama Yondan from Miyagi Prefecture Kyudo Renmei (accompanied by Kumiaki Nagayama San)

About Matsubara Sensei Began training Kyudo in Sendai in 1971 Received Kyoshi in July 1997 and 7dan in November 2009 Received instruction from Shihan Chiyoko Nishimura, Shou Sato, Shintaro Chiba Currently under instruction of Kyukaku Shigedou of the Ogasawara-ryu School Chief Director of Miyagi-machi Kyudo Kai Counselor of Sendai City Sporting Association Executive Director and Youth Group Director of Miyagi Prefecture Kyudo Renmei Shihan of Sendai City Sporting Association Kyudo President of Sendai City Aoba Ward Kyudo Association President of Sendai Miyazaki Kyudo Association Certified Sports Instructor (Kyudo) by Japan Sport Association External Instructor for Miyagi Hirose High School and Sendai City Hirose Middle School


Cost: $50 Flat Rate. Deadline to register is September 1st, registration without payment will not be accepted.

Register here:

Payment can be made to:

BSB: 036-082 Account number: 451685

Please ensure when paying that you add a description with your name followed by WA19 e.g. PeterCarr WA19

Lunch will be provided on all days. A dinner will also be held one night, details to be confirmed.

Thursday 26th September Sensei + group arrive and have a homestay with Jeri James in Perth CBD Friday 27th September AM: Sensei + group visit Willow Pond for Lunch and viewing Kyudo Arrangements PM: Setting up and preparing makiwara and kinteki targets 6PM: BBQ and Welcome Party at Ramon's House organised by Tony Hu (TBC) Saturday 28th September 9AM: Opening Ceremony at Budokan Academy Kyudo Club Dojo Split into Group A and B for makiwara and kinteki training under Sensei-gumi direction 4.30PM: AKA AGM at Willow Pond (Brodie Room TBC) 6.30PM: Dinner at Ramon's restaurant (Willow Pond), guests welcome Sunday 29th September 9AM: Taikai Registration 9.30AM: Opening of 1st AKA National Kyudo Taikai Categories: Mudan, Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Open, State Team Medallions for 1st and 2nd Place winners Monday 30th September 9AM to 4PM: Continuation of Kyudo Seminar Tuesday 1st October Sensei + group sightseeing Perth/Freemantle Wednesday 2nd October Sensei + group shopping and depart Perth for Japan

Planning information:

Registration for Seminar & Taikai

Determine overall attendance costs to seminar/championships (all should compete in individual events for experience)

Members to wear Zekken on hakama throughout seminars

All attendees need to be in Kyudo uniform and have TWO makiwara Ya for dojo Taihai training (limited spare Makiwara Ya available).

All members to be current AKA financial members for 2019-2020 period.

Meals: to be included in the attendance fee (light lunch)

Trophies: Kyudo Medallions for 1st and 2nd positions only

Limited home-stays may be available to Interstate visitors (forward contact details to Ramon)

Taikai Rules – for outdoor competition

Individual competitions – all conducted at the Outdoor 28m range

All contestants to be financial Kyudo members of the AKA.

The start of the competition must be declared and only those Ya shot in accordance with the following rules will count. Standard 36cm Mato to be used at 28m range.

No. of Ya: 4 in total (1 round, 4 arrows each)

Shooting Form: Risha (standing). Enter with 4 Ya.

Notes: At Honza, Dojo Steward calls hagime and all bow in Yu to targets, the group move forward to Shai and take up shooting position lowering the bow tip, and placing all 4 Ya on the ground, with centre of the Ya in front of centre of the body. Pick up the first set of 2 Ya to conduct shooting. Each tachi must complete shooting all Ya within 7 minutes.

Timing: All contestants shoot off the 4 Ya at their own timing and then return to Honza line on completion and await there until “Rei” is called. When all have completed returning to Honza the Dojo Steward calls “Rei” and all bow Yu. All turn left and move off shooting line.

Target Judge: Shajo attendants will serve as target judges. He or she must confirm the points immediately after each round of shooting is finished and before moving Ya from the targets. Results to be recorded on master score sheet – when all clear order “collect the Ya”.

Arrow Retrieval: The Shajo attendants will collect Ya according to the above schedule:

Scoring Rules: Ya must penetrate the face of the target to count as a hit. A Ya that hits the floor before hitting the target counts as a miss. Follow ANKF Kyudo Rules of Competition.

Disqualification: Any Ya that has been nocked and then becomes detached from the nock before shooting shall be disqualified.

The scores are to be calculated by individual name and the total target hits will determine final scores of individuals. The contestant with the most target hits will be declared the winner, the second most hits will gain second place. In the event of equal scores the Ya closest to the centre of the target will be declared the winner, second closest will gain 2nd Place. Should there still be a draw of the closest Ya then a one Ya shoot-out will take place.

Team competition:

Maximum of two teams per state, each team to consist of 3 members (no rank limit).

Teams to be drawn with each State entry with two teams being split one each into Pool A & B.

Two teams to shoot off in a knockout competition using targets 3, 4 & 5 and 6, 7 & 8 with alternate Pools competing.

Taikai Rules as above with the following exceptions:

Timing: Tsurune-Uchiokoshi (raise the bow during Tsurune of person ahead) (Official timing guidelines)

Disqualification: Any Ya that has been nocked and then becomes detached from the nock before shooting shall be disqualified. If a kyudoka releases his or her Ya earlier than the kyudoka in front of him or her in their team, the shot shall be disqualified.


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