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Peter Carr

Message from the President

President’s Report for New Zealand Shinsa 2017 and Future Events

The New Zealand Kyudo Federation did an outstanding job in setting up the seminar. The venue and the organisation was impressive.

The Australian contingent performed extremely well. Everyone going for shodan and nidan passed their gradings.

In keeping with what was happening in general, those testing for sandan and the person testing for yondan were not quite as successful. However, Australia does now have another three sandans.

I had a scheduled meeting with Shigeki Harada (secretary general of the ANKF) in regards to the IKYF sending sensei to Australia in the future. Peter Dodd and Howard Houng (official translator for the IKYF) translated for us. The meeting went extremely well. Harada San asked a few questions regarding previous issues within the AKA, which I assuaged. Harada San is going to table the proposal to the ANKF board and get back to me in due course. If this happens, it will be a huge point in our favour towards partnership within the IKYF community. I briefed Gregory Stewart after the meeting and asked him to be our ‘official representative and go-between’ with the IKYF if these seminars occur. He immediately confirmed.

I attended a meeting of all of the presidents with the ANKF representatives and the sensei. The agenda was the International Taikai and Shinsa to be held next year in Tokyo (see attached form). Australia is not yet a full partner, so we cannot field a team in the competition. We can compete in the individual events and we can attend the seminar and the grading. The next Asia-Oceania Shinsa will be held in Taiwan in 2019. This was also discussed. It is thought that this event will be huge, with many participants from Taiwan and China.

I made a few important allies while in New Zealand. Chris Colman (NZ president) has offered me his advice and support in regards to fostering partnership with the IKYF. South Africa is also trying to become a full partner as well. I formed a friendship and an alliance with Jade Fraundorfer (South African president). At the president’s meeting, we asked several questions regarding partnership (so did Chris Colman from NZ, who really pressed the matter). We are going to maintain communication with each other and assist each other in the quest for recognition. Howard Houng is the official translator for IKYF events. He also confirmed that he was impressed with the way Australian kyudo is growing and offered ongoing support and advice.

Well done Australia!

If you require any further information on any item in the report, please do not hesitate to email me.


Neville Browning

President, Australian Kyudo Association.


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