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Peter Carr

Melbourne Consul General of Japan visit to MKK (Melbourne Kyudo Kai)

MKK were pleased to display Kyudo for Kazuyoshi Matsunaga; Consul-General of Japan in Melbourne. Gavin Downs (MKK club president & 4th Dan) reports:

"We opened with Makiwara Sharei, and then our more senior members performed Shinsa no maai to show group shooting, reiho and taihai. Matsunaga san then stayed to observe the rest of the class including 28m shooting. He had many questions and stayed right to the end of training, fully engaged and enjoying the event. He particularly remarked on the many similarities with the tea ceremony as he has some experience with this and could see many aspects that are the same. It is our hope that we have opened the door to a good relationship between MKK and the Consul Generals office and that it might assist the AKA's development in the future. "


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